Vision & Mission

Vision :

The vision of the SFR College Alumnae Association is to connect graduates, students, parents, and friends to serve the community, foster ties between alumnae and their alma mater, nurture long-term intellectual, professional, and interpersonal relationships among its members.


The SFR College Alumnae Association is extremely proud of the graduates and their accomplishments, both academically and professionally.

Mission Statements:
  • Recognize that alumnae have a diverse set of talents, abilities, and skills, all of which should be utilised to the benefit of the College, the Association, and one another.
  • Offer initiatives and chances to foster links among alumnae, faculty members and students and to broaden their perspective of the College and the environment we live in today.
  • Encourage the alumnae to support the College monetarily and through community outreach.
  • Help and support alumnae develop and spread a philanthropic and entrepreneurial mind-set among students.
  • Promote a goodwill and sense of pride to both alumnae and students.